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Thursday, August 11, 2005


My next band is going to be named '2 meter band plan'.
I dropped by the storage unit last night and fished out my 2m handheld and all the associated peripherals. I also stumbled upon 2 mag mount antennas and a couple of 144Mhz SWR meters. Upon inspection of the antennas I found they were reflecting way to much of the transmited signal, so I thought the meters were afu. Then my dummy load was reading perfect 1:1, so I took a closer look and the cable to one antenna was sliced where it had been passing through the door of the truck. The rubber Ducky(3:1) and other mag mount(5:1) were sucking, well, because they suck. I discarded the mobile, but kept the rubber ducky as a back up. I hope to replace them with something that will work better than if I just stuck pasta noodles into my BNC jack.


At 8/13/2005 8:15 PM, Blogger Jorge said...

Standing Wave Ratio?

At 8/13/2005 10:33 PM, Blogger nate said...


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