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Monday, October 09, 2006

The glass could be half full...

I got a construction staple stuck in my rear tire causing a flat tire on the way to school today. Luckily, the 40 bus was about a minute behind me. So I hopped on and reached into my wallet for my bus fare, only to realize I was $1.00 short. But the dude just let me pay the dollar I had and ride on my merry way. I figure it's karma for all the times I paid $1.95 when the fare was really only $1.65. Good on the dude for not being a dick and letting me ride anyway.
On Saturday, I tried to stab my thumb through my fingernail with a screw-gun. Luckily it was my left hand, so I'm still able to hold the bow and practice my fiddle. Speaking of which, it turns out my $350 rental fiddle is woefully inadequate. I'm getting wicked bow-bounce, which my instructor ascribes to the horribly substandard bow; and there's a rattle at the low end, somewhere in the bridge area. But since today's post is on the glass half full, the upscale luthier in town will rent me a better instrument for only a modest upcharge that he'll apply to the purchase price of a better violin, thereby allowing me to play another year without having to plunk down the purchase price of another instrument. That works out well since the wife's begun to beat me for spending all her beer money.


At 10/10/2006 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10/24/2006 7:51 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Yeah, her beer money. Some reason I dont beleive you.


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