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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fall Has Arrived

The rain has started here in the Pac NW. I am trying to finish my greenhouse before the rain hampers my efforts too much. I 've only been able to work about half the day the past couple of days, which is a sure way to let the project drag out forever. I should have worked on it before I left for my trip to Chicago and Mobile, but hindsight is 20/20 isn't it.
Autumn is usually a good time of year for me. My physiology is better suited to cooler weather, and I dig hiking through the woods when the colors change. Unfortunately there are too few deciduous trees and too much percipitation in this part of the country to have a good fall hiking season.
Class starts next Monday, and I'm feeling slightly apprehensive. Last time I was in a proper classroom was 8 years ago, and I'm afraid I've forgotten more than I ever learned in the first place. What worries me mostly is the complete change in job field. Hopefully the challenges will keep me interested and focused.
I paid my tuition and bought my books. Community college is cheap but still not free, and on top of that I had to cut the IRS a check for two grand in back taxes. Even though my cash reserves are shrinking, I plan on looking for work after the first week of classes. I'm already getting acid reflux from the thought of school, I'll wait to add on the stress of the job hunt until next week.


At 9/22/2006 3:25 PM, Blogger Jorge said...

It has arrived here too, nice cool cloudy day!!! No rain though.

At 9/23/2006 9:48 PM, Blogger Steph said...

You'll get into a routine soon and it will all be just that, a routine. Working and going to school is ok as long as you are only working part time. Try to not worry about it. I know that you guys will be fine. Good luck on your new adventure.


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