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Monday, September 04, 2006

Mt. Muller Death March

Ck and I spent the weekend on the Olympic Peninsula. We visited Cape Flattery, where my camera promptly killed it's battery. My theory is that the switch was stuck in an intermediate postition that drained the battery on the drive up. Good news, I didn't have to carry it the remainder of the weekend. Steph and Flint showed up and we went to Lake Crescent and had a great afternoon swim.
On Sunday CK forced us on a death march up Mount Muller. It was 13 miles of muscle burning death. I failed to bring enough water, expecting to filter some on the hike. It is dry this time of year up there and when we finally came across a stream at the 10 mile point I was so happy I darn near cried. Steph was in wicked pain by this time and I think we were all ready for this hike to end. All said it was about 7 hours worth.
I'm flying to Chicago this week to see me ma. I hope my toe blisters heal by then.


At 9/04/2006 9:06 PM, Blogger Steph said...

I have blisters on me fingers. Kidding just the feet. I forgot that I used to get tendonitus when I marched too long, ran too much etc. My chubby lil legs arent made for that kind of punishment. I would do it again if, we stretched enough before hand and didnt have to hit the road right after. Sitting makes for bad juju when you exert yourself more than you have in 5-6 years.


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