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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

When Underwear Models Attack

I went to see the new Mark Wahlberg flick yesterday. It is basically a 2 hours of pandering to the juvenile fantasies of mountain west conspiracy crazies, which put me in a great May Day anti-fed mood. It's unfortunate that anti-government types are always looking for some deep dark plot to fight against. It seems to me the open air agenda of war mongers and corporate thieves would be more than enough to boil the blood of libertarians and the working class.
I then awoke to this piece of propaganda. Seems "May Day" and "International Workers Day" are just a little too leftist for the current regime. Your president wants to reconfigure May first as "Loyalty Day". That's right, "Loyalty Day". I think this might be a little over the top even for them. The labor movement in this country is almost non-existent. If you can find ten people on the evening train that can tell me in what decade the Haymarket Riots occured, I'll eat my hat. The Right won by forfeit, the proletariat decided they like TV, BarcaLoungers and cheap beer more than social justice.
By co-opting this day for their own, the administration is denying legitimacy to the complaints of immigrants and workers. The question must then be asked, to whom does one owe their loyalty? Certainly not to those that would deny your past struggles.


At 5/02/2007 5:08 PM, Blogger Jorge said...

Speaking of "Loyalty Day" did you see what LAPD did yesterday?

At 5/02/2007 9:18 PM, Blogger nate said...

Horrible. I only heard preliminary accounts on the radio, but it seems as if the LAPD is crooked as hell.

At 5/04/2007 3:02 PM, Blogger Flint said...

"Loyalty Day" is a bull***t holiday that dates back to the Eisenhower administration, pushed for by the VFW (one more reason to never join). Funny, but I seem to recall communist countries demanding unfaltering fealty to the state...

Blame greed. Our country is still being run by a bunch of dead presidents. All hail the all-mighty dollar!
I still hate politicians.


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