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Friday, March 23, 2007

I want my 12 Dollars

I don't care what Don says, bureaucracy is for liberals and other assorted scum. As soon as I crossed into the Land of Lincoln, the tolls started. After enjoying the use of the federal interstate system for 2100 miles without interruption, in easy motoring bliss as Kunstler would say, I racked up over $12.00 in tolls for the last 60 miles of corn fields. Nathan, you might say, you just spent $350 on gas, why complain about $12 in tolls? Because federal dollars built I-90 darn it, and if Cook county's suburbs want money: let 'em raise property taxes.
First person who points out my past support of user fees as a tax collection modality gets the boot. First person to point out the incredible jump in pavement quality from Wisconsin to Illinois gets deported to a North Dakota Gulag for insolence.


At 3/23/2007 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First person who points out my past support of user fees as a tax collection modality gets the boot.

That's *exactly* what I was thinking dude. How did you read my mind like that?


At 3/29/2007 8:38 AM, Blogger Jorge said...

The tax from the gas is also going to the roads, so yes I totally think tolls are pointless!

At 6/14/2007 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, my Manchurian submariner.

Wisconsin is not a real place, it is an incubator and kennel for serial killers only. You fail to appreciate, hinterlander, that everyone is coming from fly-over country to bring us raw materials and whores. Our use rate is much higher, and you are still a cheap-ass.


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