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Monday, March 12, 2007

Science Faire

The Eco-Roof won a $50 prize on saturday. I was impressed with the groups performance, they were a bunch of on the ball kids who managed their portions of the project well. Now that that's done the finals crunch can begin. My civil liberties research paper took up most of my weekend, but with that done I can concentrate on other classes. Final Bio Lab test is thursday, and it promises to be a bear. Point and name cat and human musculature, YEAH! Monday and Tuesday of next week is written chem and bio finals, which should be less difficult than the project and lab portions. After that I can travel to Chicago to clean out Don's garage, after which I will be up to full capability at Hersey Machine Works West in the machining department.


At 3/13/2007 1:17 PM, Blogger Jorge said...

congrats on the prize!

At 3/16/2007 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dysfunctional family origins:

Remember, we all have an agenda. This missive references tool transfer, and my opinions regarding it. This issue has to do with what Lord Buddha would refer to as 'being' rather than 'doing.' As to my being, I represent an NPA- personality behavior. The NPA- is as screwed as his plan was valid. My agenda was 'buy Microsoft.' Most people who are routinely abused as children manifest NA development. The child has an idee fixe that his parents are moral. NAs deal with this by observing that their parents are indeed abusive, but rationalize this fact by inferring that their parents are offering them genuine insight into the real nature of the world, thusly, ultimately doing them a favor. They can be identified early on, interestingly enough, by their aversion to astronomy, and typically, their attraction to meteorology. They manifest data-driven development, and thus abhor abstraction. NPA-'s are clever enough to keep making excuses for their parents. NAs loath NPA-s, because, to employ CK's turn of phrase, they 'put the lie' to the NA's conceit that their development was natural and unavoidable. The NA is also dependant on NPA- personalities. They use them as a 'P-mine,' in order to be told how to act in situations. Without this advise stream, they cannot function in society.
Another idea is behavior as apart from ideation. Witness that our behaviors, at least on a micro-level are stereotypic and unconscious. So children pick up 'unvoiced rules' from their environments by inference. Part of this reflection is the concept of 'orienting behavior.' They say when I am really stoned that I read, and that your mother cleans when she is disoriented. Its a devolution toward the behaviorally primitive.
Terri's motive in having you and your brother was as a ploy to obtain my services as a consultant for her. For the desired result to obtain, it was essential that I never work. This was so acts of economic aggression on my part would enlist Terri as a proxy. You and your brother sussed this intuitively. The reason why you are both so maladjusted to your circumstances is due to the low secularity of your home life to the demands of society at large.
It disturbs me that you state that you want to take the tools in the context of your planning to work in forestry this summer. Don't get me wrong, you are more than welcome to the tools, it is your lack of planning to use them, along with your failure to requisition the time to do so, which vexes me.
My fear is that you are under insuperable economic pressure, and that you are resorting to a reflexive, basal trope, namely screwing me, that cannot possibly reward you with the objective circumstance that you need to obtain. How's the old joke go? "How's your new marriage working out?" "I can't complain!" "Glad, then, to hear that things are going well!" "No, I can't complain!" Its not like you can go to anyone in this family (perhaps save myself) for assistance. What sort of cognitive loading does this imply?
If your response to this is: 'everything's fine! there is no pressure of the sort to which you allude,' then you are just illustrating my point, unawares. If I can belabor this one more degree, as you age, you will become increasingly aware of how typical this all is: If a kid has one kindly relative, he will disdain and abjure that individual, to the point of claiming that he is insane. It is easier for the kid to pretend that the one is nertzy rather than alienate the whole, even at the risk of (at least momentarily consciously) abstracting himself from his one credible source of assistance.

At 3/19/2007 4:40 PM, Blogger Steph said...

All I can say is Yay 50 bucks! Rock on with your bad self.


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