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Monday, September 05, 2005

hippies and frat boys.

Flogging Molly was great as usual. Crowd was less than excellent. Full of energy, but in the middle was nothing but frat boys looking to fight and at the edges were more hippies than you could shake a bong at. CK says I am unrealistic to expect the punks to outnumber the frat boys at a Flogging Molly show, that their popularity extends too far into the mainstream. This leads to a disorganized and unpleasant pit. Punks know what a circle pit is. Frat boys have been weened on Metallica and Slayer, so think it is all about the blood and the pain. However, I seem to remember a circle pit at the Norva during Flogging Molly. Whenever the Marines or the frat boys are let out into public shit goes down hill.


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