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Monday, August 06, 2007

The NSA wants to know your favorite Souvlaki recipe.

I was a little worried when the Feds decided they could pick and choose to whom section one of article nine applied to. The Military Commissions Act was all kinds of unconstitutional, in that it directly contradicts the Constitution. Now it seems as if the Fourth Amendment isn't worth the paper its written on. With Passage of the Protect America Act of 2007 (S.1927, I love it when they name 'em like that) CK can be assured that her leftist government bashing conversations are being monitored when she's on the phone with her mother in Greece. Thing is, it was the Dems that allowed this bill to go up for a vote and passed it. I've felt betrayed by and disgusted by the Democrat's two faced war mongering (H.R. 2206) and unwillingness to stand up for civil liberties(MCA, S. 1927). All I can say about Wyden and Blumenauer is that they both opposed S. 1927, but Gordon Smith needs to go. He says the right things to ensure his constituency won't dump him, but his voting record is abhorrent.
Enough complaining about what cannot be changed.
I've been working in the local Trimet (Portland's light rail) office for about a week now. It goes alright, if not moderately boring. On Saturday CK, Los Moustachios, the taxpayers, and our buddy John all loaded up and went backpacking to Burnt Lake. The bridge over the Sandy River was out, so we had to leave our cars and ford it to get to the trailhead. This added about 3.5 miles onto the trek, making it right around 8 miles each way. We swam and camped out Saturday night and then walked back Sunday. Sunday night the taxpayers played a house show with The Pussy Pirates, Hey There Cowboy and Fixed Gears Are For Jerks And Lesbians. It was great, the bands had just come from Queeruption in Vancouver and were on there way to Helena, on their way back to the Great Lakes Region they all call home. We were really glad they could stop buy to rock us out.


At 8/09/2007 12:54 AM, Blogger Jorge said...

Hey if you decide to overthrow those worthless government officials before I do then I will join your cause!


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