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Friday, September 16, 2005

pavement pizza

What a past couple of weeks. Sean and Flint(whose girlfriend actually does exist) were in and out of town. It's always good to see them. Went to the zoo, although all the animals were hiding. I almost cried when there weren't any Lemurs, but I had to keep a brave face for CK.
This morning I woke up feeling hella lousy. I went to pick up a co-worker to give him a ride to the train station. I was feeling nauseous, but thought I could hold it down. Oh how wrong I was. A couple of blocks down I puked all over my jacket and pants. I pulled over to the side of the road and had a vomit fest all over the right hand turn lane. I called in sick to work and slept all morning. I am drinking water now, and if I can keep that down I will try some light lunch.
Next couple of weeks I'll be in NY, training. Hopefully there will be a cool show to catch next weekend.


At 9/16/2005 12:57 PM, Blogger Jorge said...

You tossed your cookies! What's next? Salad!!! j/k!

At 9/18/2005 4:19 PM, Blogger nate said...

mmm... tossed salad


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