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Thursday, February 09, 2006

No Justice, No Peace

I've decided to put the brakes on any truck purchase. Thinking about it, I decided I hadn't given truck rental options a fair shake. I was at first in a mild sticker shock that Enterprise wants nearly two bills for a weekend truck rental(1/2 off weekends not applying to pickups). Then I realized most of my errands could be handled in 1 day, driving the price down to about 65 bucks.
In much cooler news the old lady bought me a new (to me) ipod. I've been burning CDs to my PC like mad. I also realized that segregation was alive in my house. All of my music is stored on a seperate lower shelf of the CD cabinet, not allowed anywhere near CK's collection. I know there is some classic rock in my collection, but she lets Stephen Malkmus' solo crap intermingle with the Bad Religion and Anti Flag. I demand equal treatment for Yes, Buddy Guy and Booker T. and the MG's.


At 2/09/2006 8:27 AM, Blogger Christina said...

you're funny. it's nice you think your music needs to be kept closer to mine...don't i let it all live in the sacred land that is the peaches cabinet? if i followed my true music nazi instincts, i'd put it all in a box in the garage. with all the rest of your stuff that doesn't go in the house.


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