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Sunday, March 19, 2006

You haven't lived...

...until you've seen the angry faces of bmw driving yuppies stuck in traffic by anti-war protesting hippies, school teachers and other assorted leftists.
CK dragged me all over the place this weekend. Saturday night we went to the punk rock show, where I came to realize I have gotten too old for the pit. It was good times, but by the time the headliners came on I was beat. Then again, so was everyone else. I took my earplugs out while the band was saying goodbye, to realize I was glad to have brought them. It was mind blowingly loud without hearing protection. All those kids are going to be deaf.
At first I didn't feel like going downtown this afternoon, but changed my mind at the last minute. Veterans for Peace and others were rallying in the park, and though I didn't particularly want to get headstomped by the po-po, the wife was going, so I dragged myself up off the couch. It was mostly a peaceful march through downtown, except for the fixed-gear anarchist kids who were looking for trouble on Burnside. They had plopped themselves down in the street, under a 'Fuck the Troops' banner, and didn't look like they were going to move when the end of the march came. The bike cops had kinda encircled them, and were keeping their cool for the most part it seemed, but who knows what happened after the cameras were gone. Our cops aren't as bad as Seattle, NYC or Chicago's, but who knows when they'll go '68 convention on their counter-culture asses.


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