TWU Local 100
Today Roger Toussaint is starting his jail sentence for the strike his union held in December.
In this country if you organize you go to jail.
In the President's budget the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (the one that feeds elderly widows) would be cut, among other social food programs.
In this country if you are old and poor you can just starve for all we care.
Back in March the Supreme court ruled that law schools that accept public funds must allow military recruiters on campus, with the same access as civilian recruiters. The schools had not wanted this due to their opposition to the "don't ask don't tell" policy.
Stand up for the rights of your countrymen and we'll slap you right back down. It's way more important to find young men to send to war than to change an unjust system.
So let me recap. If you work for a living, are old and hungry or have morals the U.S. wants nothing to do with you. We would rather see you in jail, starving or dying in combat.
That is all.
I don't want to sleep, so I'm reading Kunstler's page. It seems he's in favor of strategically bombing Iran. I'm too tired to keep reading, but that's the jist of it.
Yeah, I want to choke Kunstler for towing the party line on that one. Dipshit move.
For a second, I actually questioned my opinion on the matter, because he usually has a reasonable viewpoint...
Then I remembered that bombing people is wrong no matter what.
Hokay, Nate. Haven't you learned that communism just doesn't work. Look at USSR, and China. Is that what you want? Things are the way they are because IT WORKS.
by the way, I often wonder if you ever had that "good ridance" BBQ in my honor.
'til next time...
Not that I understand how this is related to the original posts, but...
Communist *dictatorships* don't work. True communism is an impossible ideal - it would reuire *everyone* to be on equal footing, something that has never been done in any society, to my knowledge (beyond small handfuls of people). Most people don't even understand what communism is anyway.
You forgot to mention that "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" is going to be changed to "Pay up or get out".
true 'nuf
Look at China? They look pretty successful to me.
Why? Because 99% of the American public buy their shitass goods....and love them! Fooled by low prices, bitchslapped by low quality.
China's version of commu-capitalism works quite well. Don't like it? Don't buy their shit. But don't say it doesn't work.
Nate's not advocating anything of that sort. He just want some worker's rights...whereas your government/corporations could give a rat's ass.
Retirement? Fuckoff. Health care? Suckitup. Raises? Not this year bud, our outgoing CEO got a 50mil severence package.
Maybe they'll start seeing daylight out of their a-holes once gas gets so high their workers can't afford to get to work, so their production goes through the floor. No profits = cut pensions = revoked severence... The airline industry has already fallen flat on that one, dishing their pension programs to insurance and undercutting their retirees by 50% or more.
Speaking of buying from China - I figure most of those retarded ribbon magnets come from there, so I'll be adding a "bumper sticker" to my car: "Support China's Economy: Buy Ribbon Magnets", with a Chinese flag ribbon, of course.
haha. that's brilliant flint.
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