You've reached the voicemailbox of Nathan Hersey.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Turns out the Navy got $1150 with the Treasury Departments 'collection fee'. That's right, instead of friendly Guido the reasonable neigborhood loan shark, I get it in the a$$ from the impersonal Feds long distance. That's better than 30% APR. If that where a loan it would be illegal in most states. The real rub is the letter I opened in my mail backlog right after the DFAS one was a Naval Reserve recruiting propaganda. Why yes, if the thank you for 6 years honorable service in active duty is a bill for over a grand I'd love to see what the reserves can offer me. One weekend a month, 2 weeks a year, one year in Iraq, some gulf war syndrome and a side of Yeoman incompetence resulting in a hassle from DFAS. Sounds GREAT to me!


At 4/10/2006 9:44 PM, Blogger nate said...

I wrote him, we'll see how it goes.


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