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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Adventures in Pan-Asian Cuisine

I'll bet you didn't know this, but there is no such thing as curry. Yeah. The Lymies made that shit up.
Since there is no concensus on the internet (or not one that I found in my 2 minutes of Googling), I'm shooting from the hip. Here's the plan:

-potatoes and chicken in olive oil, seared lightly in the pan
-spice with coriander, cumin, garlic, onion, ginger, tumeric, clove, cayenne
-simmer in chicken broth, lemon juice, lime juice with 1/2 a cinnamon stick
-throw in a tub of yogurt in the last 5 minutes

As I am cooking the smell is correct. Smells like that apartment down the hall when I was younger, where where the mom was always yelling at her brood in Punjabi . It seems a little thin; possibly I shouldn't have reconstituted the broth. Hopefully it will thicken with the yogurt, or I might have to throw in some flour to thicken it.

While we're waiting, an update. Today I made CK clean my house, and we almost simutaneously drained the ginger ale and the IPA. We bought more ginger and luckily I have some pale ale that should be ready in a few days. Unfortunately it's in bottles, so I need to get hot on a nice honey brown ale or stout to refill the kegerator. While mindlessly surfing the internet I noticed that the AL state senate unanimously passed a law against private keg ownership. It makes my blood boil. I thought keg registration was facist, but that's too f*cking much. I like how they think it'll stop underage drinking. Makes me want to get my gun.
While we're on the topic of Big Government out of control, I sat down to do the taxes today. As I sifted through the pile of papers my G-Ma sent me I opened a couple from the DFAS. Those a**holes want to bleed me for $900 they say I owe because they fucked up and paid me for leave I had already taken, plus $50 they overpaid me for 1 day of base pay. Since I didn't get the letters by their payment deadline, the Navy has reported me to a collection agency. That's right. Yeomen can't do their job, so I have to mop up my credit report. F*ck The Navy.

As I suspected the yogurt was insuficent to thicken the curry. I'll have to add some flour to thicken it. I'll serve it over rice with some nice tea.
I hope I can taste it over the government hate I've got brewing in me right now.


At 4/08/2006 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no...fuck a bunch of flour - that's whitebread.

instead, add some heavy cream at the end....also, don't overcook the yogurt - it gets stanky and forms tiny yogurt balls. boil some of the liquid off before you add the yogurt+cream if you have to.

FTN brother.

At 4/09/2006 8:00 AM, Blogger nate said...

Word. Next time I'm not even going to use chicken stock, it overpowered the spice. Also, whole garlic instead of crushed. Other than that it was pretty tasty.

At 4/13/2006 11:44 AM, Blogger Jorge said...

You know in the real world when somebody screws up the people responsible fix up the mess! FTN!


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