You've reached the voicemailbox of Nathan Hersey.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

You're on the Short List for Excommunication, so Watch Your Ass.

I spent all day yesterday baking three delicious loaves of honey wheat bread. This morning I have half a loaf with doggie teeth marks in it. That dog is gonna get excommunicated from the family, and I don't think he can survive long on the streets. In order to prevent further kitchen incursions I placed a baby gate at the entrance to the kitchen, but if that doesn't deter him I'm going to give him the boot. If his owner complains she can join him. I'll be lonely, but my kitchen counters will be unmolested.
Final grades were recorded and I scored a 4.0. Woohoo!


At 12/19/2006 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sucks, Max looked so well behaved while we were there!

At 12/19/2006 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a lot of big talk from someone who was asked to install a baby gate no less than a year ago for the first time of many. Which is, incidentally, the same person who left a loaf of bread under a towel on the kitchen counter out of view of the person that let the dog out this morning, but not out of smell of the dog.

At 12/21/2006 10:31 AM, Blogger nate said...

Sure blame the victim you dog sympathiser!

At 12/22/2006 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you need to get him fattened up; he'll be worth more to a Vietnamese resturant.

At 1/11/2007 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight... You're pissed at the dog for waisting a day you decided to waist on baking bread you could have bought from a hippy bakery in 15 minutes round trip?



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