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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Political Jiu Jitsu

Most of the results are in but not formal. I don't think anyone harbored hope of a result like this in their deepest heart of hearts. The Lower House is certainly Democratic and the Upper House is also likely to be controlled by the Democratic Caucus. This is amazing, and I guess Rove didn't have The Math afterall.
This news led to the ouster of Rumsfeld, which is a great piece of political jiu jitsu. Given the force of the Democratic tide this was a beautiful move on the part of the president's team. One can only hope that Rumsfeld would have been sitting in a front of a Senate sub-commitee getting grilled over the mismanagement of Iraq by the middle of January. There would have been a lot of questions asked that the executive branch isn't prepared to answer. There will still be questions about the cash that is being lost to the contractors, but with a new Secretary of Defense it won't be the same bloodbath it could have been. Although I'd have loved to have seen Donny get his, his removal by the President is good for the Dems too. Running Rumsfeld up the flagpole would have been seen as partisan and divisive, costing a lot of political capital. This way they have the possibility getting work done without the battle that would have ensued when taking down a high-ranking cabinet member.
I hope this new batch of middle of the road Dems can plug the leak in the financing of this war if nothing else in these next two years.


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