You've reached the voicemailbox of Nathan Hersey.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Now who's with me?

I've decided to bring back the suit as the default garment for mens dress in public. Jeans are great for fishing or hiking, t-shirts are good for working out or gardening, but quite frankly we are too casual a society. I blame this overall laissez fair attitude towards dress on the downfall of western society. Reality TV, Hippies and Glam Rock are all outgrowths of the accepted action of men dressing like boys (sure I don't have a causal link, but I don't need one, I'm on a rant). As Carl Larson posted here, wearing a tie to court is a good step towards not getting BS fines. This year at the war demonstration most people were dressed as though they were headed to the woods, not as if they were marching for peace and social justice. The PoPo are less likely to club you in the head if you look like you can afford a lawyer (again, idle speculation but bear with me). Damned if anyone wants to hear a C students opinion on anything, but put him in a suit and he could become president.
If one is to participate in society it must necessarily be on societies terms, and if your leather jacket wearing blue haired self has complaints about being kept down by the man then get a haircut hippy.
(Except Sean, he rocks out with his c*ck out.)


At 11/16/2006 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you man! If I ever go to some tree hugging reunion I will wear a suit and tie.

At 11/17/2006 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suits aren't comfy, nor are they practical everday attire...unless you do nothing but order TEDs around.

Thanks, but I think I'll remain a proletarian.

At 11/20/2006 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Nate. Wear decent looking clothes to work, and I'll be damned if you don't get treated differently.

Although F wearing a suit around all the time. Jeans are here for a reason.

At 11/22/2006 7:39 AM, Blogger Steph said...

I say we expand this endeavor and burn the thong. Who can take you seriously when you have an intentional atomic wedgie or floss hanging out O your pants.
Then we should ban Bratz dolls after all they just show our young women that being vapid sluts is the way to success.
I actually went into a Sears (like 3years ago) and had to pass through the lil ladies section to get to the lil mens section and the undies that they had on display for like 10 year old girls was string binkini stripperish stuff (they start us early). I blame womens clothes i.e. the short waisted ass pants, the tube tops, the high heeled shoes and the high push for plastic surgery ect... on why women still arent taken as seriously as men.
Not saying we should all wear potato sacks and granny panties but some happy medium must be found.

At 12/11/2006 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one is for Nathan!


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