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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Graphite Packing

I've got aluminium to cut, but Shars hasn't gotten my cutting tools I ordered early last week to me yet. I need a to find a large machining supply close to the Portland, but I don't think we have a Shars or J&L type supply house. We do have a couple of local guys, but they are much smaller. From now on I'll get any supplies I can from Hall Tool since they are close and not too pricey. The only reason I ordered from Shars was the extremely discounted rotary table price. For end mills and other low price items it doesn't seem the savings are worth the wait.
The neighbor brought over a water pump I assume was originally from a tractor that was leaking where the shaft penetrates the pump body/housing. I can fix that, I told him. I proceeded to attempt to remove the entire shaft to get to the packing material around the shaft, only to realize that was wholly unnecessary. Instead it was as simple as removing the old packing material with a machinist's scribe and replacing it with new graphite packing and tightening down the gland/packing nut. Unfortunately I had already seperated the two halves of the body, and the replacement gasket for this union failed the first time. Hopefully the RTV he used the second time worked for him as a leak free alternative to cork.
The new quarter has started, and I am taking Writing 3 (writing reaserch papers), Anat&Phy 1 and Chem 1. The first day of the writing class the Professor discussed heavily language and Rhetoric (as a classical art, not as perjorative term). As a nod to our classical teachers I've decided to discontinue use of all profanity. As CK and the rhetoricians point out it is useless as a tool of persuasion, and Ma rightly thinks it's unbecoming. We'll see how it goes. First person to turn in front of me while I'm crossing the street may get an ear full anyway.

Edit: Part of my delivery came. The cutting tools, tailpiece and chuck vise, but no rotary table. Now I ask, what good is a tailpiece and rotary chuck vise without a rotary table?


At 1/10/2007 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swearing is problematic on many levels, but the most damning, I think is akin to an arguement against drugs ade by the DEA head who succeded the monster William Bennett. He said, the problem with drugs is: "They work." "People can maintain themselves in an abusive relationship on marijuhauna that they would otherwise leave."
Psychologically speaking, swearing is a 'demonstration aggression.' One should not vent a force, rage, that would leave to qualatative change in his life were it allowed to pool naturally.
People who understand this do not swear, not for the (valid) aesthetic reasons you state, but for the utterly pragmatic reason that it fronts powerlessness.

At 1/11/2007 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1/11/2007 9:19 AM, Blogger nate said...

Nah, well maybe, but it is quite the valid point. People with power don't swear because there is no need if the situation can influenced with a more effective solution. I doubt cops swear at traffic offenders as I am wont to do, since they can pull them over and ticket them (or beat them with objects depending on their mood).
I tend to swear when there is nothing to be done but swear, or because it is easier to curse than to deal with a situation. In the former I realize there is no reason to swear, and in the later the more difficult task of dealing with situations should be confronted.

At 1/11/2007 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is the 'term' hippie a token of perjoration in your worldview? Don't make me come out there and stuff you into my pipe! I'll do it! I may be to old to grok this 'putey thing, very well, but in the meatspace I am still viable, just ask any one of my groupies!

At 1/11/2007 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"anonymous=hippie" was mostly a token of my own frustration. I didn't really understand your comment the first couple times I read it. I understand it now to mean, "Profanity is used by people to influence a change, but it is better to not use swear words when you don't have to, because people will respect you more." Ordinarily, this alone would not have drawn a response from me. I am convinced that you are credible. I am sure that you are viable in the "meatspace," but I don't think you have to be a cyber punk to participate in blogs. Neither do you have to "grok this 'putey thing," but when you comment under anonymous, you become a stranger in a strange land. I mostly just want to know who you are.

At 1/11/2007 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the main suspect in being Nathan's sperm donor, my denials usu. falling on deaf ears. This is his mom's nominal position. Her defense of this conclusion: "Well he passed calculus, didn't he?" I think Nathan is quite young to have kidney stones, but this discussion is rather fruitles to persue.
I guess, most specifically, that I am inveighing against fuming. Someone capable of retaliation, who intends retalation, would be ill wont to indicate his intention at large. Fuming indicates to all discerning listeners that our hero will do nothing. Better to keep one's mouth shut and leave one's opponents guessing. Try another way to be threatening; bemusement is one alternative.
Exercise caution when employing slurs against groups to individuals; a proud member of this group may take existential umbrage evoking a disproportionate response. Think about this, its magnitude. An ethnic slur, for instance, covers the target's family and culture, as well. Honor and ontology rapidly come into play.
I do 'talk funny,' can't seem to help it, prob. the way I was raised. My pic is on
peace, don

At 1/11/2007 9:25 PM, Blogger nate said...

Although I've never seen a picture of you that did not have gravitas, that one is especially bone chilling.

Translation for Jason: Don't curse because cursing denotes weakness, and if you were going to act the cursing would be unnecessary on many levels. Also watch the ethnic slurs 'cause you could get your ass handed to you, as well as the fact they are always in poor taste.

At 1/12/2007 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah, I can out you on the internet now!

Contrary to popular belief, Nathan has a Father and a younger brother. He just pretends they don't exist because he steals all their best lines in an attempt to be cool.

The old man :

The little brother :!.jpg

At 1/12/2007 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, 'the face is mirror of the soul.' My internal experiance of myself is profoundly more light-hearted than this, but I don't deny that this is how I 'come off.'

At 1/12/2007 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On topic: There's a nice pop song along the lines of "Robt. DeNiro's good at talking Itialian." [Meaning to affect a nenacing tone.] Mike Tyson and Geo. S. Patton doesn't and didn't articulate themselves in this fashion. Just something to meditate upon.

At 1/14/2007 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I have just come to find swearing as an indicator of poor vocabulary, or the inability to prooperly articulate a meaningful response. A common indicator of the losing side in a "battle of wits." I have experienced this on a personal level multiple times, as many a reasonably intelligent argument has degraded into a stream of expletives prior to concession or abandonment.

Basically, you'll sound smarter, and we all know that can do nothing but help.

At 12/20/2011 1:07 AM, Anonymous graphite packing said...

wow ..
I first read it,
because this jug makes me confused


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