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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

32 Ounces Of Little Green Cross

I decided I too long been going into the forest without a first aid kit. Being dissatisfied with the options on the market I made one up with a trip to the drug store and a lexan bottle. I didn't like the small sizes of ointment and drugs offered in the ready made kits, and felt as though a trillion different sized band-aids was pointless. The lexan bottle should keep everything dry and clean. My kit includes:
-2 gauze bandages
-large and small band-aids
-adhesive bandage tape (the roll wouldn't fit through he mouth of the bottle so I re-rolled it around a Tylenol bottle)
-1 oz tube of H2O2 (antiseptic)
-benezthonium/lidocain ointment (for burns)
-hydrocortisone (rash cream)
-1 ounce triple antibiotic ointment
-chewable pepto
-fake sudafed (in case someone gets the sniffles)
If anyone can think of anything I missed please leave a comment.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Campin', Fishin', Jammin'

CK and I spent the weekend with Flint, Steph and the Dylan-meister camping and fishing at the Gifford Pinchot national forest. We had a nice hike on Saturday, the weather was cool and a little drizzly. On Sunday we tried to pull some trout out of the Cowlitz river, to no avail. We tried earthworms, powerbait, lures, spinners, salmon eggs and verbal chastisement, but nothing could coax the clearly visible schools of fish onto the hooks. The only hit I had all day came when my line was wrapped around my reel, and the little bastard got free while I was attempting to reroute it properly. I still enjoyed myself, but I imagine 5 year old Dylan would have come away with a better opinion of angling if he'd have at least caught a pan fish.
Last night the Taxpayers played on a radio program that started at midnight, so I didn't go to bed 'til 3:30. I had a good time, but CK sys the guitar wasn't loud enough and our sound was less than ideal. C'est la vie.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

death hot

My menu bar read 39 degrees earlier today. At this temp I can barely move. I've had a few garage projects that have been on my plate for weeks now, the house is a mess and the dog needs a walk; but all that can't be done from the hours of about 11 to 7 when the temp is above 32 or so. Ck is digging the weather, but my Nordic blood just can't handle it.
The Taxpayers played about 4 times over the holiday week. We also play on Thursday and next Wednesday at the Satyricon, downtown. I have a stack of CDs to mail out, so I'll get on that tomorrow.