32 Ounces Of Little Green Cross
I decided I too long been going into the forest without a first aid kit. Being dissatisfied with the options on the market I made one up with a trip to the drug store and a lexan bottle. I didn't like the small sizes of ointment and drugs offered in the ready made kits, and felt as though a trillion different sized band-aids was pointless. The lexan bottle should keep everything dry and clean. My kit includes:
-2 gauze bandages
-large and small band-aids
-adhesive bandage tape (the roll wouldn't fit through he mouth of the bottle so I re-rolled it around a Tylenol bottle)
-1 oz tube of H2O2 (antiseptic)
-benezthonium/lidocain ointment (for burns)
-hydrocortisone (rash cream)
-1 ounce triple antibiotic ointment
-chewable pepto
-fake sudafed (in case someone gets the sniffles)
If anyone can think of anything I missed please leave a comment.