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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Turn off, Tune In, Drop out of the Petrol Cycle

As you may well know CK crashed up the Elantra. I have been trying to decide what car, if any, to get her. I shied away from going car free at first do to a feeling that it might not work out. What if it turns out we spend more on car rentals and taxi service than we did on cars? What if CK doesn't like it, what if I find out I need a car too often? How will I get my bubble tea from the other side of the west hills? So I spent a couple days shopping for cars, which I hate more than anything. I hate car salesmen, dealerships, dealing with the goverment to register a new car, dealing with insurance agents to insure them. It's all a giant expensive hassle.
Then I had a mini-epiphany. We are already car free. I don't own a personal automobile right now. If I find out I need a car then I'll go through the hassle of getting one. Until then I'll see if I can handle life without one. What I'm saying is I don't need to be in a rush to get a car.
I spent the weekend in a mild depression. I missed my wifey and couldn't get off my ass to do anything productive Friday and most of Saturday. All I really did today was brew up a batch of IPA, for which I only have moderate hopes for its sucess. I also decide to grow hops in the backyard this spring, hopefully CK will be able to tolerate their smell.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Monsters of the Midway

G*D Damn Schmucks.
I quit watching football for nearly a decade, then the Bears try not sucking for most of the season only to be punked by Carolina. I get way to emotionally invested in the Bears; in fact the wife wonders who she married when the game is on.
We are finally getting settled into the house, and expect to live at this address for some time. Since this is the case, anyone stopping through Portland needs to crash in my spare room and drink my homebrew(except Sean, he gets Coors Light).
I am trying to extend personal invites to everyone. In order to do this I need addresses, so I'm giving a shout out to all the lurkers. I am trying to get the contact info of anyone I don't have. Top of the list is Kimi, Scottie G, Mike Major and Goff, but the entire list is too long to post. I think the old lady has alot of addresses, but if you didn't get a Christmas card this means that I don't have your info. So think to yourself:
-Did I get a card from TED4 this holiday season?
-If Yes, then I have your address and generally you are a decent person.
-If No, then
a) I don't have your address so please drop me a line at natehersey at hotmail . com,
b) You deserved a card, I had your info, but the wife failed in her duties, or
c) you've been neglecting your personal hygiene duties to the extent that not even Max will play with you(I can't really imagine this third category encompasses too many people).
Also, if you have contact info for anyone I would appreciate it. If you are thinking to yourself 'does he mean me?', if we have broken bread together then I mean you!
Go Bears and take the Cubs with you.

Monday, January 09, 2006


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Friday, January 06, 2006

Damn You Scottie Brankel!

I disassembled the Centurion to prepare it for painting. I am indecisive as to whether to take out the bottom bracket and headset or just mask them off(I did take out the bearings). Part of me wants to take them to the local guy to have them off just to throw him some buisness. This is the slow time of year for bike shops.
I decided to go from a 52x19 to a 42x18 to save my knees. I took the big chainring off the crankarm and went looking for my spare smaller chainrings. I found a 9 speed, which won't do because it is too narrow. I must have that one I scavenged off the side of the road in VA, I thought. Then I found a Biopace 42 tooth chainring and began to worry. Oh no, I must have put the chainring I was looking for on the mountain bike I sold to Scott Gundlach(he changed his name a while back). Whatever to do. Stay with the 52? Install the Biopace? Hope the LBS has one cheap and available? Then I looked above me to the answer, hanging from the ceiling. Since I already stole the front wheel from my wifes Fuji, she probably won't miss her small chainring. What's mine is hers and what's hers is mine, after all.
// Bike posts are payback for Sean's uber boring computer posts.