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Sunday, October 23, 2005


With no cash and no place to go I took the easy solution and called up my mom's parents. They sent me up a plane ticket and I flew down to Mobile. I originally planned to hang out for a few weeks, but with no where to go up north and an invitation to stay down south it was AL for the next couple of years. My grandfather wanted me to go to school, so I enrolled in the local university. I was at my third school and my third major, but the same old story. It was up and down grades , but I was working steady, bought a small car and got in with a tight group of friends. Mostly I hung out with the foreign kids, who annoy me less than Americans. I bought a sailboat and spent alot of time on Mobile Bay. The days were easy and life was good, I met a cool girl, my time was mostly spent hanging outdoors, canoeing, fishing, grilling, sailing. By the time I turned 19 I was getting restless. I couldn't really see what I was going to do with my life. I still didn't have the focus to make school work, and the job outlook for a non-college graduate in that part of the country is really weak. Knowing that I needed to sign up for the selective service I stumbled into a recruiting office one day after work. The Navy seemed like the ticket to get away from Mobile, and at the time I felt that was what I needed.

Next time: 6 years with seamen.

CK want's a drum set for Christmas, so I am thinking Hart Dynamics Studiomaster 5.3 with a Roland TD 8 brain. Sean and Dex, I need to know what your thoughts on the issue are.


At 10/25/2005 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That kit looks sweet. I play a Roland TD-3S, which is not bad, but I bet those mesh heads are nice.


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