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Monday, October 10, 2005

Hiking with the Wifey

CK and I rolled up to the NW corner of OR to a State Park Rails to Trails project on Sunday. It was good times, but the damn state was working on part of it with heavy machinery. This made for a muddy half mile or so in the middle that caked our boots with clay. We opted for the less developed end of the trail, which was a good call. The guidebook we were reading mentioned the north end was paved and by the road, and they weren't kidding. We would have been walking ten feet from the highway, which would've pissed me off something fierce. Luckily we choose wisely and had a good walk in the woods. We then went to conveyor belt sushi, which isn't worth writing home about, except that dinner for the both of us is less than $20. Dinner that cheap is rare when CK's discerning tastes and my large stomach are involved.


At 10/10/2005 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's the most appropriate spam ever.


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