You've reached the voicemailbox of Nathan Hersey.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Manure is Good for the Soul

CK and I rented a truck for the day. We had a boatload of errands to run. I scored a fridge for beer and a futon off of Craigslist. CK met up with some Lady and fixed her Ipod. I ran over to Home Depot and picked up the materials for my new compost bin. This morning we picked up 2 cubic yards of horse manure. Shelly at Abbey Creek Stables was kind enough to use her front end loader to dump 4 bucketfuls directly into the back of the F-150. This GREATLY reduced load time. I then drove into the alley behind the house and shoveled it over the fence directly into the bin. Tonight I have to get my Corny Kegs cleaned out to keg my housewarming IPA.


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