Biff wrote: "Suits aren't comfy, nor are they practical everday attire...unless you do nothing but order TEDs around.
Thanks, but I think I'll remain a proletarian."
You missed the point of my post, and your gut reaction ('fuck that shit, I'm a proletarian') is exactly the response those with the power want you to have. When people think back to the late 60's early 70's they don't immediately remember the struggle for civil rights, anti-war demonstrations, women's liberation, gay rights or early environmentalism. Their first thoughts are of dirty hippies getting high and dancing in muddy fields like assholes. This is a cultivated image. Poor dirty leftists as laughable is an image meant to undermine their message. The worst thing a young proggressive like yourself can do is fall so easily into this trap.
Do you think I've gone GQ, sipping pink martinis on the 35th floor of the bank tower after a hard day of enslaving the masses through consumer-based capitalism? Obviously you've mistaken me for someone else.
There are many issues that I have thoughts on that need to be shared with people, including but not limited to peak oil, global climate change, homogenous monolithic private media, public healthcare, and public higher education. These are all issues that we have a duty to address and change. This means you too, bike hippy. If you address your fellow man in a brazing apron, you may come off as a wierdo in a brazing apron. Other leftists may hear you out, but these are not the individuals you need to convince. It is those lost in a sea of rampant consumerism that need your words to guide them.
You are an articulate, bright dude. You can change peoples minds, but you must get them to listen to you first. Take a cue from the Nation of Islam. Adopting the style of dress of the ruling class is a way to avoid getting ignored out of hand. By insisting on ostracizing yourself you are ultimately doing the proletariat a disservice.