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Thursday, September 22, 2005

I fely sorry for myself, that I had no luggage, until I met the man who had no landing gear.

When I touched down in NJ on Monday the airline had lost my luggage. At first I wasn't worried. There was nothing of monetary value inside. Then I realized I packed 1/4 of my prized concert t-shirt collection into it. Luckily, they found and delivered it the next night.
Last night I was sitting in the bar, eating a mediocre burger, when I noticed on the CNN that an Airbus 320 had been circling LAX for a couple of hours. Their front landing gear was cocked at 90 degrees and stuck. It was rivetting. Normally I can't stand more than 3 minutes of TV news at a time, but I had to watch until they landed. Goes to show that I'm not immune to a good news story.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Mark Unseen

If you spit at the band, and they tell you to stop, you should stop.
If you don't stop, and the lead singer jumps down into the crowd to beat your skull with the microphone, you get what you deserve.
If you have the gall to bitch about it, and wonder why you got your ass beat, you obviously need a second beating to get your head straight.
Luckily, and to the lead singer's credit, they didn't call off the rest of the show. CK says their set was unusually short, but it was a Sunday. Also, I stand by my previous anti-frat boy assertions. The punks in PDX know what a circle pit is, so there must be another element(a more violent/less cool element) at a flogging molly show. Push pits are the suck, and I don't see why FM would bring that out of people. It must be the result of a wider fan base that draws out the assholes, or possibly less free space that pushes the crowd into a critical asshole mass towards the center. More research needs to be done in the field of 'rock show crowd dynamics'. I am going to apply for the research grant and spend the next 12 years like Ms. Goodall among the apes, going to shows on the federal dollar.

Friday, September 16, 2005

pavement pizza

What a past couple of weeks. Sean and Flint(whose girlfriend actually does exist) were in and out of town. It's always good to see them. Went to the zoo, although all the animals were hiding. I almost cried when there weren't any Lemurs, but I had to keep a brave face for CK.
This morning I woke up feeling hella lousy. I went to pick up a co-worker to give him a ride to the train station. I was feeling nauseous, but thought I could hold it down. Oh how wrong I was. A couple of blocks down I puked all over my jacket and pants. I pulled over to the side of the road and had a vomit fest all over the right hand turn lane. I called in sick to work and slept all morning. I am drinking water now, and if I can keep that down I will try some light lunch.
Next couple of weeks I'll be in NY, training. Hopefully there will be a cool show to catch next weekend.

Monday, September 05, 2005

hippies and frat boys.

Flogging Molly was great as usual. Crowd was less than excellent. Full of energy, but in the middle was nothing but frat boys looking to fight and at the edges were more hippies than you could shake a bong at. CK says I am unrealistic to expect the punks to outnumber the frat boys at a Flogging Molly show, that their popularity extends too far into the mainstream. This leads to a disorganized and unpleasant pit. Punks know what a circle pit is. Frat boys have been weened on Metallica and Slayer, so think it is all about the blood and the pain. However, I seem to remember a circle pit at the Norva during Flogging Molly. Whenever the Marines or the frat boys are let out into public shit goes down hill.