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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Navy Sux

Leaving AL was hard because I knew I would miss my girlfriend. She was great, she put up with most of my crap AND brought me pizza. I still felt I needed a change to get my life into motion.
You know, me and the navy full speed ahead.
Boot camp sucks. Weeks of sleep deprivation and crappy people really wore me down. Without the daily letters from CK I would've had a hella sucky time of it. I really expected the Navy to lay off the suck after boot, but I was wrong. About 3 months through a 6 year stint I realized that I had choosen poorly. Any job that you can't quit, and they don't have to pay you overtime, is for suckers. It is unfortunate that so many bright young men waste so many years of their youth fighting and dying for a system that doesn't serve their interests. Teds' (typical enlisted dogs) efforts are wasted so that Lockheed, Northrup, Haliburton and all their Cronies can keep a trillion dollar a year Federal feed trough full.
It wasn't all bad. Lots of really cool guys wind up in the shit ass Navy. The weeks when we weren't working 70 hours were really cool. I was stationed in WA where there was all kinds of hiking, partying, camping. I was in a rock cover band. Life was good. CK moved up and we got married. I had to spend all my time beating my wife to keep her in line.
Since the Navy sucks, the good times had to end. My last 2 years were spent in VA, in a shipyard working like a dog. The crew kept leaving without getting replaced, making the hours long, which I hear is still the case. By this time I was getting kind of short-timed, and anxious to get out. I knew that I didn't want to stay in Norfolk. We wanted a city that had good public transportation, wasn't too expensive, and generally had a low suck quotient. We decided to move back to the Pacific NW, Portland OR.
So here I sit.
This weekend we are going to Reno to see some of my family. I'm going to gamble away the kids college funds away, and CK is going to drink til she drops.


At 10/30/2005 4:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I imagine one could elaborate a bit on the good times one had in the navy.

even at an overall suck factor of +69 I've still had some good times, and met some of the best people I'll ever know (present company excluded)

You should really fill us in on some gootimes stories. They are always best when remebered by someone else.

At 10/30/2005 11:08 AM, Blogger nate said...

I'll spin some sea stories, even though biff will beat me when I do.


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