You've reached the voicemailbox of Nathan Hersey.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


I've been in Denver/ Colorado Springs messing with batteries and bearings. I saw Tom and we had a hella feast at some chain steak house. He is doing well, but had to drop his wench like a bad habit when she intimated that he choose between her or racing his dirt bike. Like Matty Stenson says, b*tches be scandalous.
My bass came. Due to my own in-expierience I messed up the latches on the case, but some JB Weld, Krazy Glue, new latches and pieces of a tacky leather guitar strap fixed that up nice. I changed the strings to some flat wound ones to the tune of 27 f#cking dollars. Quite a sticker shock but hopefully they won't need to be changed as often as guitar strings. The pots were scratchy so I sprayed some DeOxIT into them. That stuff must cause cancer, because I can't imagine anything that isn't carcinegenic working nearly as well. I adjusted the bridge to get the action and intonation right and she plays like a dream.
Tomorrow I will start moving into the new house and get to crank up the new rig to try and shake some fillings loose.


At 12/16/2005 2:13 AM, Blogger Jorge said...

What the heck yo! WHY do women always try to change guys?

At 12/16/2005 8:50 AM, Blogger nate said...

you know tom is too nice a guy to beat his girl. if they don't get beaten they think they run the place.


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