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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Al's #1

For some reason the country outside of Chicago doesn't have God's food, Italian Beef. None in Seattle, Portland, Norfolk, Mobile, none anywhere. Grill up an italian sausage top it with italian beef, hot peppers, sweet peppers, then dip the whole thing in the beef juice and your looking at the perfect food. Luckily my mother loves me and had the best place in Chicago, Al's #1, zap mail me some for my birthday. It was delicious. Last time someone brought me some I messed up in prepairing it. I let the beef soak in the juice all day. This made for edible but less than perfect beef. Sammy Sinnokrot's old lady says the proper way is to heat the juice then dip the finely sliced roast beef until it is warm, like only a minute or so. This makes for hella tender and uber tasty sammiches.
It was quite the birthday present, since on the plane home that afternoon I read an article in the USA Today touting Al's #1 as the best food in Chi-Town (SuperDawg was only number 7, but it was USA Today). It was awesome to be able to come home and cook some up. THANKS MOM!


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