You've reached the voicemailbox of Nathan Hersey.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


On Tuesday afternoon the boss called and told me he wanted me on a plane for Phoenix in the morning to mess with some bearings. So off I went, and I won't be home until 7pm on Friday, but I should be able to have a late birthday dinner with the old lady.
Last night I gave Sean a call and we had dinner and I drank some beers while I watched his band practice. TrashMagnet sound like they certainly could pull off a good set at a local bar or possibly some summer festival action, BayFest or something of the like.
The thing that struck me is that they have a rented practice space in the semi-industrial part of town, nothing fancy, but they are in a building of about 18 or so similar practice spaces. This is the buisness I need CK to buy me. As long as the musicians are on time with the rent it could be a beautiful scam. Easy to set up, easy to maintain, next to no overhead, and as long as the Californians keep moving to OR one could have lots of clients. I have set the wifey to do a feasability study.
Tonight I am going to have dinner with Sean and Neil K, and tomorrow I am going home to beat the wife.


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