Shove your Les Paul right up your ass.
All they be is scandalous.
I've been reading alot of craigslist lately. Specifically the musicians' community posts. I've been horribly disappointed by the amount of bitching by various factions of the Portland music scene. We've got basement-dwelling momma's boys complaining no one wants to jam with their self-centered asses. Hopelessly deluded prima donnas who live off of their girlfriends and are trying to 'make it'. This second group have many theories about why they are failing. To these losers, it all seems to boil down to amateurs crowding the feed trough; people with day jobs willing to work for less than them.
I began to wonder if this was truely an epidemic. Is the entire U.S. overflowing with the complaints of working musicians being crowded out by 'scabs'?
Since CL brought this problem to my attention, I decided it could help me clear up the issue. I read the ads on CL for L.A., Minneapolis, Norfolk, Phoenix, Austin, Seattle, Denver, St. Louis, Kansas City and Chi-Town. Some had more posts, some less, but the only ones with signs of this imminent downfall of paid musicianship was Portland and Austin. Coincidence? Most assuredly no.
I had theorized that L.A. might be the center of this outbreak, lots of pros who would be sensitive to competition willing to undercut their rates. Turns out not to be the case. They must be too busy working. Portland and Austin had people who thought it necessary to complain about not being able to make ends meet as a full time musican. One post had a run down of cover charge vs. profit, illustrating how a glut of bar bands was making it impossible for working musicians to feed themselves. No shit geniuses. If you live in Austin or Portland decent musicians are plentiful, but most of them are amateurs with day jobs. Since there are so many bands, the public isn't going to pay a hefty cover charge to see them. Supply and demand: an idea these 'artists' have failed to grasp. Of course, if they could manage this fundamental economic concept they could have gotten business degrees, and would be too busy working to bitch on CL.